If you have been thinking about buying an appliance and just haven’t been ready to make the purchase, tax free weekend may give you a little more incentive to get off the fence. There are a lot of reasons we all hesitate buying high priced items. Timing is a big issue. The Commonwealth of Massachusetts is trying to help us all by offering a tax free weekend.

Give us a call today. Ken Dempsey, NorthShore Ktichens Plus 781-631-1060

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Remodeling and Home Design
Remodeling and Home Design
Thinking of selling your home?

BEFORE you put your home on the market, let North Shore Kitchens Plus visit you FIRST

Attractive, well laid out kitchens and master baths can be some of the most important features that prospective buyers consider when making offers.

Ask your realtor to schedule a no-cost site consultation with Ken Dempsey, President, North Shore Kitchens. 781-631-1060