MC900432659“This kitchen is completely calm. Some of the old-fashioned chefs – they become kings in their kitchen, they’ve got to be called chef. But I don’t care if someone calls me chef or Heston, it really doesn’t bother me.”
Heston Blumenthal


MR900385569“Some old-fashion chefs would call me a designer with some old-fashion ways of designing but I learned to design with a drafting board and to be able to feel what I am designing and I will always design that way”!     Ken Dempsey- Northshore Kitchens Plus- Beverly, MA


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Remodeling and Home Design
Remodeling and Home Design
Thinking of selling your home?

BEFORE you put your home on the market, let North Shore Kitchens Plus visit you FIRST

Attractive, well laid out kitchens and master baths can be some of the most important features that prospective buyers consider when making offers.

Ask your realtor to schedule a no-cost site consultation with Ken Dempsey, President, North Shore Kitchens. 781-631-1060