Cooking Mom“You heard right! Today is Kid’s Take Over the Kitchen Day! So if you are feeling adventurous let them have at it and let us know how it goes.”



wf_133-szd“Love to hear your experiences on kids working in the kitchen either stories about your children or stories when you were able to explore the kitchen as children. Do tell :)”

Ken Dempsey- Northshore Kitchens Plus                           100 Cummings Center- Suite 108D, Beverly, MA 01915                   781-631-1060

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Remodeling and Home Design
Remodeling and Home Design
Thinking of selling your home?

BEFORE you put your home on the market, let North Shore Kitchens Plus visit you FIRST

Attractive, well laid out kitchens and master baths can be some of the most important features that prospective buyers consider when making offers.

Ask your realtor to schedule a no-cost site consultation with Ken Dempsey, President, North Shore Kitchens. 781-631-1060